March 12 to 15, 15 companies belonging to Assolombarda will be in the U.S. to present a sampling of Italian excellence
From March 12 to 15, an entrepreneurial mission to Chicago promoted by Assolombarda and its Young Entrepreneurs Group with the goal of building cooperation, exchanging technologies and creating new business opportunities between Italian and American companies.
The mission involves 15 companies that belong to Assolombarda, in the sectors of furniture and design, food and fashion.
The Chicago mission follows a meeting which took place in Milan in July 2017 between a delegation from the municipality of Chicago, in the presence of the Illinois city’s mayor Rahm Emanuel, and the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Assolombarda.
On that occasion, the Lombardy PMI [Small and Medium Businesses] were shown the opportunities offered by the Midwest market and the city of Chicago.
2018 also marks 45 years since Milan and Chicago became sister cities, a date that Assolombarda wanted to celebrate by bringing Milan to Chicago.
The meeting will also be an opportunity for the Assolombarda Study Center, one of the members of the Italian delegation, to analyze the Chicago Model, as an example of a global city, to gauge Milan’s attractiveness and competitiveness in comparison with international benchmarks.
“Food, design & furniture and fashion are sectors in which Italian export to the United States can have ample room for growth; estimates tell us that by 2022, design & furniture could increase exports by 38% (reaching 409 million), food by 15% (hitting 800 million) and the clothing sector by 36% (for a total of 836 million euros), declared Mattia Macellari, President of the Assolombarda Young Entrepreneurs Group. “By organizing this ‘business trip,’ Assolombarda would like to achieve two objectives: to create concrete business opportunities for companies participating in B2B and to build a connection between the Assolombarda Study Center and the city of Chicago in order to begin a collaboration not only on the numerical front, but also between best practices aimed at fostering the economic and territorial development of these two cities, twinned back in April 1973, so they may play an increasingly important role on the world scene.”
Fl Group International will take part in the mission, through its FOOD division, which will present several niche dairy products in Chicago.
The mission was organized with the cooperation of Francesca Parvizyar, Chair of the Milan Committee of Sister Cities International, Joseph Monastero, Chair of the Chicago Committee Sister Cities International and Paul Renda, governing member of Assolombarda Giovani.
“In the United States, more than ever, there is a hunger for Italy,” states Francesca Parvizyar Chair Sister Cities International Milan Committee, “and for us, who have been bringing the best of Italy to the U.S. for many years, it is a tremendous joy.
“Today, the United States truly represents the perfect place to highlight Italian companies to the utmost,” Parvizyar continues. “Our Made in Italy is an integral part of the culture of beauty that Americans seek.
This mission, which was created in Milan after Mayor Emanuel’s visit,” concludes Parvizyar, “is further demonstration of the great relationship built over the years between Italian excellence and the city of Chicago.”